tisdag 16 oktober 2012

A2M, Full Movie. Most fucked-up snowboardmovie EVER! by Barf Bags Productions.

Fast, Nasty, Dirty ..and a lot of snowboard bangers, there you got the movie. And do not watch it if you are not 16, that's a pretty good advice from the guys behind this movie.

Riders: Hákon Traustason, Ísak Kristinn Harðarsson, Gunnar Viðar Gunnarsson, Adam Granqvist, Sölvi B.Helgason, Kareem el rafie, Abbe Hjellstrom, Svavar Jensen, Halldor Helgason, Matthías Arnarsson, Sindri Steinarsson and Coach Thunder!

Made by: Gunnar Gunnarsson & Hákon Traustason..

onsdag 10 oktober 2012

A2M Teaser

Watch Out for this heavy snowboard movie. Full movie dropping for online business on Saturday !